We monitor the lake regularly for anything that could cause a disruption of balance in the water.
Learn more about the Indian Lake Watershed's new Dredge Planning Working Group and plans for the future.
As a member of the Indian Lake Watershed Project you are investing in the future of water quality at Indian Lake.
Monthly Board meetings are held at 5pm at the Indian Lake State Park Multi-Purpose building. Any changes to date, time, and location will be listed here. The Board may hold special meetings at the discretion of the Watershed President.
January 15
February 11
March 19
April 16
May 21
June 18
July 16
August 20
September 17
October 15*
November 19
December No Meeting

The mission of the Indian lake Watershed Project is to facilitate and promote actions that will improve water quality for the benefit of recreation, agriculture, wildlife, and other uses of the Indian Lake Watershed aquatic resources.

The Indian Lake Watershed is 63,122 Acres or 97 Square Miles
The lake is 5,147 acres or 8 Square Miles
In the Past 30 years, ILWP has reduced the sediment flow into the lake from 80,000 tons per year to 15,000 tons per year
ILWP has been working to care for Indian Lake since 1990
The little green plants that float on top of the water are not algae, they are a non-toxic native plant called duckweed
A watershed is an area where all the surface water drains to the same point
The lake is so clear that we have a weed problem and a weed harvester
Water quality is the ILWP’s top priority
Memberships are only $15 a year and helps the ILWP care for the health of Indian Lake